Sunday, March 17, 2013

the issue of a challenge...

Call me terrible. Say I'm a loser. I can take it. Because it's true...
After all, how many weeks has it been since I did a proper post? Too many, to say the least. But I am here now, and I guess that is what counts.
Here, and issuing a challenge.
I am doing the impossible. At least that's what I am telling myself. Really, had I thought about this a month ago or even a few weeks ago, I would have freaked out and wept into the carpeting. But today I am strong. Today I am going to do it.
I am going to finish my book, In the Shadow.
This month.
Yes, you heard me correctly. That is my goal. Impossible, to say the least.

I am excited because I only have about one third of the book left and I have been working hacking at it pretty well the last few days. I've switched a few of these later chapters around and now I am reworking their progression and the entire middle part of the book. But the goal is to have the entire thing finished by the 31st and then to do one final editing. At that point, I will seriously be giving it to my beta-readers, get some good feedback, and start trying for a publisher!!!
I am mostly afraid of not finding anyone who likes my book. Since I began it at thirteen, a lot of the storyline and character progression are cliche and simplistic. While that is not entirely bad, it is still less of a masterpiece than I hoped to bring to the world. I know, this first book ~ in fact, no book ~ can be perfect. But I want it as perfect as I can get it... So I am aiming for as possible.
I was very tempted for a while to just ditch the whole book and start on one of my other ideas. But after 6 years spent dedicated to it's cause, I decided {with advice from my Dad} to keep at it. I'm glad. I am very fond of this book. It has been by my side through the hardest part of my life. It has been through five title changes. It has changed and changed and changed some more, sometimes more a reflection of how I have grown than anything else.
But that also put me in mind of all the time I have spent on this book and how much I'd like to go on. I am determined to finish this book {really finish it, to publishable standards} before embarking on a new novel. So many times during these last six years I've been sidtracked with secondary ideas and neglected this mammoth project for weeks...sometimes, even months. And it has dragged out for far too long. It is time to be finished. That is why I decided to challenge myself and get it done THIS month.
I know I am crazy. I have about a hundred pages of editing left. But I am sick of just picking at it. The time is here. The time to finish.

 And now for my challenge...
Do any of you have unfinished projects that you have been working on forever that just *need* to be done? Come join me in my adventure and try to finish it THIS month!! You won't regret it! In fact, I have a serious feeling you will relish the completion. There is always a sweet feeling of satisfaction when you have finally finished a project.
I am looking forward to that feeling.



  1. Go for it!!! I'm sure you can get your challenge done! I'd love to join you...I just have to figure out what goal I can set. ;)

  2. Eheheh, i remember the trilogy I started at 13 . . . may go back to it one day. Won't ever forget the feeling of finishing it, though, and I hope you get the same amazing buzz!

    Speaking of things I need to do - I have a novel to redraft so I can start sending out queries! Luckily that one is this year's NaNoWriMo novel, so it's not half the disaster zone some of my earlier ones are (not that that says much :P)

    I'll be back here with the pom-poms, cheering loudly for your success!

  3. I'd love to finish something. What I'm working on I started... well, yesteray, so it's hardly a draw project. I would love to finish it this month, though, and since I've written 6K in 2 days, I might even. So I'll try and join you in all but the draw project part. ;)

    Great goal, by the way. Daunting, but great!

  4. You can DO IT!!!! Good luck! And i love all the little encouragement pictures you put up in between your words, and they are so true. :) So be brave, love the possibilities, do the impossible because its possible!
